
Unlocking Fleet Potential: How Autofleet Transforms Telematics Data to Operational Excellence

Sima Megrel Shubzak

Telematics are a vital data source for any modern fleet. Using the data collected, fleet operators optimize operations, workflows, and tasks, and the surge of innovative solutions in recent years has further amplified its potential. This requires data to be integrated into workflows and decision-making processes.

However, for large fleets, the process of integrating telematics data into new systems, particularly optimization tools, can be daunting. As a result, many operators struggle to fully leverage these critical insights, leaving valuable opportunities for improvement untapped.

The truth is that for complex operations, telematics data sources are messy to integrate with. There are multiple data providers, each using different data sets. Even within a single fleet, multiple telematics data sources can operate side by side. This is even further complicated by the different commercial and legal terms attached to the data from OEM or black box providers, and by the need to exchange data with multiple other systems - such as ticketing and task allocation, CRM, ERP and more.    

Executives and managers require a unified interface that offers comprehensive visibility and control over their entire fleet. Autofleet’s Integration Hub tackles this hurdle by providing an abstraction layer that cleans and organizes the data, regardless of its source. It integrates every telematics system. By consolidating diverse data streams into one coherent source of truth, the Integration Hub empowers decision-makers with the insights they need to optimize fleet operations effectively, and can set up highly customized and advanced workflows.

Even better, Autofleet operationalizes this data directly, using automations to streamline and optimize fleet operations.

Autofleet's Integration hub

From telematics data to fleet workflows

Autofleet’s Integration Hub collects telematics data, including vehicle location and state, battery or fuel levels, speed, heading and mechanical information, to name just a few, and then processes it to create usable data sets. 

In the process, the Integration Hub sanitizes, normalizes, and harmonizes the data, so it can be easily integrated into both legacy, home-grown systems and Autofleet’s Optimization Platform.

  • Sanitizing data includes removing errors, inconsistencies, and sensitive information (where applicable). It ensures the data is clean, secure, and compliant with regulations. Fixing typos, masking personal information, and similar procedures.
  • Normalizing data organizes data to reduce redundancy and improve integrity, as well as improve data efficiency in the database, by dividing data into tables, establishing relationships, and eliminating repeating groups. 
  • Harmonizing data ensures different datasets are compatible and consistent, allowing integration of data from various sources. This includes standardizing measurement units, formats, and definitions across datasets and aligning data both temporally and spatially.

In addition, the Integration Hub is used to enrich telematics data with additional, relevant information from multiple sources. This encompasses information from within the organization, such as reports from drivers and field agents using a dedicated app, from task allocation and ticketing systems, ERPs, CRMs and other systems; and data gathered from external sources, such as live traffic data, charger availability, parking, or city information.  

The result is a comprehensive view of the entire fleet operation - providing a clear view of current operations and enabling management to generate clear reports and run analysis.

Meet Autofleet

Beyond data - interacting with the fleets ecosystem

Autofleet’s Integration Hub also enables two-way communication. Using telematics data to control vehicle management. Providing access to advanced capabilities and interactions, including keyless access, remotely locking and unlocking vehicles, transmitting routing information directly to vehicles’ navigation systems, and managing charging.  

Telematics data is a powerful tool for fleet optimization, but for it to be utilized to its full potential, it must be integrated into the entire fleet ecosystem. On its own, it is often underutilized due to integration challenges. Autofleet's Integration Hub provides a comprehensive solution that enables a unified view of fleet operations, two-way communication with vehicles, and the utilization of fleet data across the entire organization.

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